I found this wheel of food the other day, in case you don't know where to eat or just want to try a random restaurant, or just like spinning the wheel! Try it now, Type in 12801 and give the wheel a spin. The default setting is "lunch", but you can change that to "food", or a particular food item such as "pizza" or "hamburgers" or "Chinese" or "Japanese".
If you want more results type in surrounding zip codes like 12804, that's Queensbury.
And for directions to these restaurants, click on the name of the restaurant in the upper left hand corner, and you'll be taken to a page with the restaurant description and a map of where the restaurant is, and directions on how to get there if you need them. Sure this food isn't free, but you get what you pay for.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Spin The Wheel Of Food In Glens Falls
Posted by
Mikes Blog
9:53 AM
Monday, February 26, 2007
Attention Free Food Seekers - 2/26 - 3/3
Ok all you free food seekers out there. We all have our own reasons for seeking out free food, so I won't get into that, but I will say that these free food places cater to people of all walks of life, whether you are down and out, or up and in, if you want free food come and get it there's more than enough for everyone! But where is it you may ask? Well some people can sniff out free food, others have to be told where to go:
The Open Door 24 South Street The Open Door satellite map
Serving fine cuisine for 15+ years.
Monday thru Saturday Lunch is served from 11:30am to 1pm every day.
Monday thru Friday Dinner is served 4:45pm to 5:45pm except Tuesday nights.
The Salvation Army Chester Street The Salvation Army satellite map
Dinner on Tuesday nights 5:30pm to 6pm.
P.S. It might help if you carry a can of air freshener with you while eating at these places. Why you might ask? Well lets just say hat some of these people who dine in these fine establishments don't take their personal hygiene too seriously. Other than that feel free to indulge yourselves, it's all free, and there's plenty to go around!
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:52 AM
Labels: free food, glens falls that toddling town
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Attention Free Food Seekers - Feb 25
Attention Free Food Seekers, there will be a free dinner tonight at 6pm to whenever, at the Church Of Messiah on Glen Street. Church Of Messiah satellite map
If you are going to live somewhere, or even if it's just a visit, you got to know where you can eat good food, preferably for free. It's a surprise every week, no menu is planned, and it's usually good, and of course it's all free! So how can you go wrong there?
Posted by
Mikes Blog
12:41 PM
Labels: free food, glens falls that toddling town
Friday, February 23, 2007
DiLorenzo Please Stop
In case you don't remember, or simply don't know, Raymond DiLorenzo is the Glens Falls man convicted of killing his estranged wife on February 20 2005. All he apparently remembers about that day is drinking a glass of orange juice at his apartment, but apparently doesn't remember driving to Cumberland Farms, pulling out a shot gun and shooting his estranged wife three times in the face as she sat in her car, while their 13-year-old daughter watched. What was in that orange juice anyway?
But later he must have realized that he did something wrong, because he was seen hitchhiking south on the northway, then west on the thruway and he was later arrested at a rescue mission in Syracuse New York. It took only four hours for a Warren County grand jury to hand up a five-count indictment against DiLorenzo. DiLorenzo's defense team had considered an insanity plea, but after a psychiatric evaluation, DiLorenzo was found competent, and he eventually pleaded guilty and received 25 years to life in prison for second degree murder.
But now old Raymond wants to take back his guilty plea and is appealing his sentence and conviction. DiLorenzo claims he wasn't given all his options before he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. His lawyers say DiLorenzo would have pleaded differently if he had known all of his options, which could've meant a lesser sentence.
I guess after the symptoms of remorse wore off, old Ray has decided that he doesn't want to spend time in prison anymore. I guess he believes he is reformed and has served his time. But all I have to say is this, "Raymond DiLorenzo, Please Stop Already. Stop Trying to take back your guilty plea. You knew what you were doing, you weren't in a state of temporary amnesia, you did what you did and thought maybe you could get away with it, but you didn't. This wasn't an accident, it was deliberate, and since there is no death penalty in this state, I'd say you got off pretty easy with 25 years to life. Just accept your sentence and make the best of the rest of your life. And stop trying to appeal!"glens falls
Raymond DiLorenzo
Posted by
Mikes Blog
11:10 AM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Glens Falls Police Do It Again
So how many people think that the glens falls police department is actually a real police department? Raise your hands. Ok so no one raised their hands, good. That proves my point. And this article in Today's Post Star further proves my point. (I can't link to the article because the link is broken)
Thursday February 22, 2007 - B3
Morning Briefing (whatever the hell that means)
Police: Glens Falls Man hit girlfriend with beer bottle during argument about phone
Apparently Jarod M. Wilcox, 25, of 31 Union St., was charged with 2nd degree assault and 3rd degree criminal possession of a weapon, both felonies?, for allegedly hitting his girlfriend on the elbow with a beer bottle. Ow! I bet that left a black and blue mark.
But since when is a beer bottle a weapon? He didn't even break it and try to stab her with it, just whacked her on the elbow, (Ow! I feel her pain, I really do), because apparently she was looking over his address book and/or his list of incoming or outgoing calls on his cell phone, probably looking for possible potential girlfriends of his. According to Capt. Kevin Conine, she was looking through "electronic information" in his cell phone. Ok, whatever you say, Capt. Kevin, but we all know how women are, and we know what she was looking for, and she might have even deserved to be whacked by the beer bottle, for all we know. But then at the bottom of the article, almost as an afterthought, Capt. Kevin said, "He was also accused of striking and choking her."
Now I may not have all the facts in this case, and I may not be the most intelligent man in the world, but I think this is where the felony lies. Now it doesn't say where Jarod struck her, but doesn't choking someone count as attempted murder? Yes, in my book it does, you don't just choke someone for the hell of it, when you choke someone you're trying to strangle that person, so in my opinion herein lies the felony charge, not a little whack on the arm with a beer bottle. And why would the judge go along with this felony beer bottle whacking charge anyway? Makes you wonder doesn't it.
So what lesson have we learned here today? Well let me ask you this, If a crime is committed against you or someone else in Glens Falls who do you call:
The State Police
The Warren County Sheriffs
or The Keystone Cops The Glens Falls Police
I'll let you decide. But I know who I'm calling.glens falls
Posted by
Mikes Blog
12:08 PM
Labels: glens falls, glens falls that toddling town, police
Monday, February 19, 2007
Harlem Globetrotters in Glens Falls
Well those crazy and wacky Harlem Globetrotters are coming the Glens Falls Civic Center today, Tuesday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are priced as follows:
US $32.00 - US $60.00
US $22.00 - US $32.00
US $16.00 - US $22.00
And No video cameras allowed!
glens falls glens falls civic center harlem globetrotters globetrotters the harlem globetrotters harlem globetrotters basketball basketball
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:47 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Have You Got What It Takes?
So what about this Labor Ready? You may ask, how do I get a job there? Just stop in and admire yourself in their full length mirror, and ask yourself, "Would You Really Hire This Person?"
Posted by
Mikes Blog
12:08 PM
Fast Cash In Glens Falls
Ah yes, the Labor Ready. Fun and Games? Not! But then again work isn't supposed to be fun and games, hence the reason it's called WORK! How does 7 dollars an hour strike you? And no benefits? And manual labor? Does all this appeal to you? How about arriving to work at 5:30am? If all of this tickles your fancy then labor ready is for you!
But at the end of a grueling 8 hour shift, (sometimes more, sometimes less) you will immediately see the fruits of your labor. Work today, get paid today! That's right you will automatically get paid at the end of each day. And not all the jobs are dirty jobs, thee are some jobs that pay a decent amount of money and are actually clean, and some jobs will actually give you free food!
You gotta walk into labor ready and ask questions, don't just take any old job. Leave the low paying dirty jobs for all the drunks and drug addicts, who will gladly take any job for any amount of money, and will gladly rejoice in it, usually all night long at one bar or another, guzzling cheap headache inducing swill, or piss water as I like to call it. Maybe Milwaukee's Best Ice?
Tags:glens falls labor ready drunk work money job
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:36 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Ok One More Reason Not To Come To Glens Falls
Ok so the coffee cup has dropped, at Stewart's Shops that is. This controversial video has put me on their top 10 most hated list, apparently, maybe even number 1!
It all started quite awhile ago in the shop on Glen Street, not The Shop on Main Street, almost a year ago, when I inadvertently made a remark to one of the off duty employees that the coffee wasn't quite up to par that night, which it wasn't, I dumped mine down the sink, which then led to a confrontation with the manager, so the very next day I went out and made this video, above. Demonstrating exactly how I felt about Stewarts.
Then some 6 months later in October 2006, I had to speak to the district manager of Stewarts, who said he was "concerned" about the "Controversial Video" I made 6 months ago. Yadda Yadda Yadda, and to make a long story short I said i wouldn't do no more videos bad mouthing the Stewarts Shops, or their coffee, especially their coffee, don't ever say anything BAD about their Coffee! And I said I would behave myself, and be a good little boy, and limit my visits to 10 minutes or less. And I thought maybe that was the end of it, but it wasn't.
Some time later, last night as a matter of fact, I was sitting in Stewarts on Ridge Street, after severing all connections with the shop on Glen Street back in October, minding my own business, eating my hot dog, when the manager walks over and tells me that the District Manager and apparently all the managers from all 4 Stewarts Shops in Glens Falls "prefer" that I don't come in there anymore. Apparently my money is no good there anymore.
And apparently my picture has been faxed to all the Stewarts Shops in New York and possibly Vermont, and posted somewhere in their stores, warning all of them just how dangerous I am.
This is one more reason for me to dislike glens falls, and one more reason for you to stay away!
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:38 AM
Ok So Glens Falls Sucks
This video pretty much captures the essence of Glens Falls. There is nothing here to see, period.
This city? I use the term city very loosely, was once billed Hometown USA by Look Magazine in 1944, and has long outlived that title. All 5 movie theaters The Rialto, The Empire, The State, The Paramount, The Park Street Theater, were all torn down or closed years ago. Why? No one really knows, or no one will say, I guess it was all part of their urban renewal project, that started in the late 60's and early 70's that led to the tearing down of many businesses and homes, but it did give us the notorious Henry Hudson Town Houses. Yah!
But tourists keep coming to this area by the hundreds if not thousands during the summer, and I've always wondered why. I think the reason is, is that they are on their way to someplace else. Since Glens Falls NY, is on route 9, people are simply passing through, on their way to better places. So Glens Falls is pretty much just a glorified rest stop for tourists. Which should be its new name, "Your Rest Stop While On Your Way To Better Places"
There really is nothing here to see, so if you're passing by, just keep on passing by, don't stop, for too long anyway, you might just get stuck here.
Hometown USA? Even the Mayor Thinks That's funny.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:16 AM