Here is a compilation of drunk driver stories you may have missed during the week of 5-30-2007
Teen seriously injured in Queensbury crash
A Queensbury teenager, Chad Jones, 19, of 28 Hampton Court, was seriously injured and a Gansevoort man, Brad M. Potter, 22, of 84 Spier Falls Road, was charged with driving while intoxicated following a crash on Corinth Road Monday night May 28, 2007 in which a car struck a rock outcropping.
Man injured in early morning crash
A 20-year-old man, James M. Huntley, somehow escaped serious injury early Wednesday, May 23, 2007, at 12:01 a.m. after his sports car slammed into two trees and a retaining wall, police said.glens falls
drunk driver
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Drunk Drivers You May Have Missed 5-30-2007
Posted by
Mikes Blog
8:57 AM
Labels: glens falls, glens falls drunks
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
For those who don't get it...
This is all a joke man, more or less. It's like someone coming up to you each day and asking, "What's going on in Glens Falls today?" And you respond by saying,"...ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....nothing. The same thing that went on yesterday and the day before that and the day before that, nothing. This is the town all about nothing. So I said let's go with that, and make a blog about Glens Falls, a blog about nothing. But there is something there, there's people, there's buildings, there's parks, but it all adds up to one thing, nothing.
If you still don't get it, I feel sorry for you. So the next time someone asks you what's going on in Glens Falls you'll know what to say,"...ummmmmmmmmmmmm.......
And yesterday I happened to stop into the Salvation Army for the FREE meal, you get what you pay for, and I spotted a Post Star reporter apparently talking about housing issues. There were a couple people she talked to who actually had legitimate housing issues, but a few others, who shall remain nameless except for their first names, Steve and Dale, just like to talk, and just want someone, anyone, to listen to them as they ramble on incessantly about nothing, and hopefully feel sorry for them. Get real. I think the reporter could easily sniff out the BS, because there was no article printed about it in the Post Star today.
I think immediately upon exiting the Salvation Army the reporter tore out the pages from her notebook and went back to her editor and said, "Sorry but there are no housing issues in Glens Falls, just a bunch of people with sob stories who want someone who hasn't heard it all before, to listen to their story and feel sorry for them, and maybe slip them a few bucks."
Stories such as, "I've spent all my money on beer and cigarettes and getting high and didn't pay my rent this month, and now they want to evict me, can you believe that? Please feel sorry for me ma'am."
Or this classic, "I got hurt years ago, and I can't work, and they are cutting off my disability, and I'm about to lose my house. Even though I work under the table, 7 days a week and collect cans and bottles, I still have no money, Please feel sorry for me."
Or, "I have a fat live in girlfriend, and even though we feed our faces at the soup kitchen everyday, all our money is still spent on feeding her and going out to Burger King and Pizza Hut and McDonald's and Wendy's and Dunkin Donts and the Submarine Shop everyday, and of course I have to buy her stuff like a DVD player and DVD's and big screen tv set, and video games, and I don't have enough money left over to pay rent, please feel sorry for us."
It all amounts to a big fat load of nothing.
So...."Here's a free complimentary box of tissues because we sympathize with all your housing issues."
Posted by
Mikes Blog
9:21 AM
Labels: glens falls that toddling town
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
You Are My Sunshine
Harold Hay in rare form singing You Are My Sunshine glens falls
Posted by
Mikes Blog
6:49 PM
Labels: glens falls that toddling town
Free Food For Everyone
Have to mention this. There is free food available for all you free food seekers out there. It's available at the Salvation Army on Chester Street, at 5:30pm today. Don't know where that is? Well sorry, your loss. And if you do go there just remember that you get what you pay for so no complaining.glens falls
free food
salvation army
Posted by
Mikes Blog
1:12 PM
Labels: glens falls that toddling town
Monday, May 21, 2007
10 Things I Like About Glens Falls - No. 10
These are 10 things I actually like about Glens Falls, starting with number 10. These are in no particular order, and maybe if I find more things that I like, I'll add to this list, but for now there are just 10 things.
10. Chicken Wings from the Glens Falls Hospital Cafeteria
Why not? They are only .30 cents a piece which is cheaper than any bar, and are available 7 days a week, 5pm to 7pm. Of course I smother mine in hot sauce and blue cheese dressing, what other way is there to eat them?glens falls
chicken wings
glens falls hospital
Posted by
Mikes Blog
6:50 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tired Of This Town
Are you tired of this town? Are you sick of sitting in the park and reading at the library and drinking coffee at Stewart's? Well then this song is for you.
It's a song called Tired Of This Town, by a group called The Only Children Free Download Here
Photo by Hey Paul
Posted by
Mikes Blog
7:25 AM
Labels: glens falls that toddling town
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Glens Falls On Youtube
I didn't realize it before, but I realize it now, I now know how to create play lists on Youtube. And here it is in all it's glory, Glens Falls of course. Most of those videos are mine, but some of them are from concerts and other people.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:02 PM
Labels: glens falls civic center, glens falls police, glens falls that toddling town
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Yes! Flickr Eats Yahoo Photos
Yahoo Photos has decided to shut down, in favor of Flickr. I never could figure out how to browse Yahoo Photos anyway, and I don't think anyone else could either. In my opinion Flickr is way better, and the reason I am mention this is simply because every photo used on this site came from flickr, and I've used flickr for other things as well. So down with Yahoo Photos, we won't miss ya, because we never knew ya.
Just thought I'd mention it.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
6:56 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You
Since Illness forced My Chemical Romance to cancel their concert last Thursday, you may be wondering where are they playing now? Well their schedule for May is as follows, providing they don't get sick again:
May 8, 2007 - DCU Center - Worcester, MA
May 9, 2007 - Bell Centre, Montreal QC
May 10, 2007 - Scotiabank Place, Kanata ON
May 11, 2007 - Air Canada Centre, Toronto ON
May 12, 2007 - John Labatta Centre, London ON
May 15, 2007 - MTS Centre, Winnipeg MB
May 16, 2007 - Credit Union Centre, Saskatoon SK
May 18, 2007 - Pengrowth Saddledome, Calgary AB
May 21, 2007 - WaMu Theater - Seattle, WA
May 22, 2007 - Memorial Coliseum - Portland, OR
More information on their myspace page
For more on My Chemical Romance, check them out on here, their official webpage here, and their youtube profile here.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
5:15 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
EVANESCENCE - Things I Forgot To Mention
When I mentioned the EVANESCENCE concert last month, I forgot to mention a little information about the group, so just in case you didn't know,
EVANESCENCE official website here, myspace page here, page here
EVANESCENCE - Sweet Sacrfice
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Youtube videos are just too flaky, here one minute gone he next so I won't post any, but you can search here.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
7:23 AM
Friday, May 04, 2007
Fall Out Boy - I'm A Little Man I'm also evil and Also Into Cats!
And yes speaking of Youtube, I have to admit that this was pretty damn funny, From Fall out Boy misheard lyrics on This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
The real lyrics according to Yahoo Music
Posted by
Mikes Blog
8:05 AM
Labels: glens falls that toddling town
There is more to the Post Star than Meets The Eye
Up until yesterday I didn't even know the Post Star had a blog, but they do. And I don't think a lot of other people know about their blog either, because of the severe lack of comments. I stumbled upon it yesterday completely by accident when I saw the YouTube and Glens Falls: They’re all over each other headline in my Google Blog search for Glens Falls rss feed which I monitor daily. As far as I know there is no way to access it from the front page of the Post Star, I mean there might be a way to access it, but the navigation on their site is terrible, so who knows.
But anyway without further ado, here are the archives for The Post Star blog:
* May 2007
* April 2007
* March 2007
* February 2007
* January 2007
* December 2006
* November 2006
* October 2006
* September 2006
On second thought after looking at the homepage of the Post Star more closely, I see the Moms Blog and Sports Thoughts are listed on the front page.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
7:15 AM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Roundabout Promises To Be Alot Of Fun!
The New Roundabout promises to be more fun than a carnival ride! Hopefully. For the opening ceremony on Sunday there'll be bagpipes and antique cars and a ribbon cutting ceremony, and a trolley doing donuts in the roundabout, a parade, and the Mayor giving a long boring speech. Fun for everybody! But just like any carnival ride there will be some rules:
Here you can read more about How To Navigate Through a Roundabout. The city is apparently anticipating a lot of people approaching the roundabout slowly in their vehicles, stopping before entering the roundabout, and getting out of their vehicles and scratching their heads and wondering what do I do? What do I do?
I say come on man, people are not that dumb, are they? The roundabout may not be much to look at, but it certainly doesn't look hard to navigate. Do we really need rules? Just drive your car into the circle and exit on your street, it's not rocket science. I guess the city is afraid that cars will enter the roundabout and get trapped in there, going round in round for hours until they run out of gas.
But I'll be trying the roundabout out this weekend. It should be fun. And to prove how much fun it is I'll be driving around it about 10 times or so, just to test it out. I should get a video of that. But anyway, if you want to give the new roundabout a whirl, the ride opens Sunday after 3pm. Be there or be a square!
Hurry! Hurry! Drive right up and ride the roundabout, fun for all ages.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
10:42 AM
Honorable Mention?
Well the videos on this blog got mentioned on the PostStar website, YouTube and Glens Falls: They’re all over each other. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
One quote about my latest video says: "Crandall Library is Now Closed in Glens Falls … and mass panic has ensued, which has three minutes, 28 seconds mostly of Doctor72 in his car, showing off his cynicism."
I wouldn't exactly call it cynicism really, I was just stating the fact that the library had closed and I and hundreds of other people had no where to go to sit and read anymore. As for me, I was sitting in my car each day in the park reading, and even though the library is now open again at its new location, I still haven't found a comfortable spot to sit and read, so it's back to the park once more. And also I made reference to the fact that the media was all over the story of the closing of the library like it was the story of the century. But it's still good to get "some kind of mention", honorable or not.
...and those easter travelers turned out to be EVANESCENCE concert goers, my mistake.
Now if you really want cynicism, this is cynicism! its best!
Posted by
Mikes Blog
8:21 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Tired Of Living In Glens Falls?
Are you tired of living in the Madden Hotel? Are you tired of living in Glens Falls? or are you just tired of living, period? Then maybe this Electric Bath Duck is for you:
I know of a few friends who might like to try this. And then again I had a couple of friends who tried this but I haven't heard back from them yet as to whether or not the electric duck did the trick. Well on second thought, maybe that answers my question.
Is this a joke? Well maybe, or maybe not, in today's world who knows? To be or not to be in Glens Falls, that is the question. Only you can answer it. Please make sure you make the right decision.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
8:54 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Looks like the Big Day is almost upon us once again, with a little more than a month to go. What's the Big Day you may ask? Well you'll have to ask the man in the picture, Hint: He lives at 7 Stevens St Glens Falls. Or you might see him on the streets, riding his bicycle, just stop and ask him, I'm sure he will tell you all about the Big Day!
Since that picture is about a year old, i was thinking about updating it. How about this one instead:
Posted by
Mikes Blog
8:15 AM
Upcoming Events for May 1
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Al-Anon meeting, 7 p.m., United Methodist Church, 460 Aviation Road, Queensbury.
American Red Cross blood drive, 1 to 6 p.m., American Legion, 34 West Ave., Saratoga Springs. Information: Dagmar Helenek at 584-3118.
Beginners country line dancing lesson, 12:30 p.m., Moreau Community Center, 144 Main St., South Glens Falls. $5 per lesson. Information: 792-6007.
Bingo, 7:15 to 10 p.m., St. Clement's School, 231 Lake Ave., Saratoga Springs. Dinner specials available. Parking and entrance in rear of school.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus Home, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs. Information: Anne Senecal, 885-0663.
Chestertown Rotary Club meeting, 6 p.m., OP Frederick's Restaurant, Chestertown. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Depression/Anxiety support group, 7 p.m., Pine Knolls Alliance Church, Potter House, 614 Gansevoort Road, South Glens Falls. Information: 793-7101.
Law Day Breakfast, 7:30 a.m., Hiland Park Country Club, Queensbury. Sponsored by the Warren County Bar Association.
Line dance class, new beginners, 1 p.m., intermediate, 2 p.m., Saratoga Springs Senior Center, 5 Williams St. Information: 854-7610,
Meditation group, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Saratoga Springs Public Library, 49 Henry St. Bring pillow or cushion. Free, drop-ins welcome. Information: 581-3180.
Parenting classes 5-weeks, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Whitehall Elementary School. Sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Washington County. Information: 746-2560.
Renal Caregiver Support Group, 1 p.m., Glens Falls Hospital Renal Center conference room, 3 Broad St. Information: Trish Adams, 926-3315.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter No. 1159, 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. weigh-in, Adamsville Baptist Church, corner Routes 196 and 43. Information: 747-0392 or 747-7431.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter No. NY208, 6 p.m., United Presbyterian Church meeting hall, River Street, Hudson Falls. Information: Lucy, 747-6064.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), 6:30 p.m. weigh-in, Fellowship Hall, South Glens Falls United Methodist Church, 15 Maplewood Parkway. Information: 695-4298 after 4 p.m., (800) 932-8677 or
Warren/Washington counties STD and HIV clinic, 6 to 8 p.m., McEchron House, 65 Ridge St., Glens Falls. Information: 761-6580.
Posted by
Mikes Blog
7:16 AM
Labels: events, glens falls, glens falls that toddling town